There's no place like home.

I live in an apartment, with my grandma and my aunt.

My apartment have 7 rooms and a hall

3 rooms

2 bathrooms

The living room

The kitchen

and the hall

My favorite room of the apartment it's my bethroom, because here I have my PC, and I spend most of the day here!

In my bethroom there is a desk next to the windows. My monitor is on the desk, and the CPU's cabinet is next to it.

My bed is in front of the desk. The dresser is between the door and the mirror. And there is a shelving in front of the dresser.

Every Tuesday... I wake up at 05:00

Then I take a shower

and brush my teeth

Get dressed

After that I have breakfast

I leave home at 6:20 and wait the bus

I arrives to the university at 6:40

and study from 07:00 to 11:00

Then I leave the university and go home

I have lunch at 12:00

After that I take a nap from 12:30 to 13:30

When I wake up I use the computer from 14:00 to 17:00

and if I have homework I do it

After that I use the pc again from 19:00 to 21:00

Next I dinner at 21:30

and finally go to sleep at 22:00

There are many things that I should explain here, because the topic is so large. I will put the basic concepts and below a link where you can find a better definition. I hope you enjoy it :)

Be ECO-Friendly means that you care about the environmental

Let's start with some definitions.

Global Warming: it's the increase of the temperature of the Earth and it's caused by the Greenhouse Effect.
More information here.

We all know that the Sun is our source of live. The solar radiation get into our planet and warming us :)... Part of the solar radiation are negative, but don't worry in the atmosphere we have a chemical that filter the solar radiation and when the solar radiation bounce the Earth and go out, the ozono let it go.

Now is when we are killing our planet... In the most part of the production of the stuff, we constantly emite greenhouse gases at the atmosphere and it destroy the ozone :(

The greenhouse gases create ozone's holes, and the Greenhouse Effect.

The Greenhouse Effect it's the direct consequence of the uncontrolled emission of greenhouse gases.

Do you know what it's a greenhouse?

It let us to plant in cold climates, inside the greenhouse our plants are hot. The solar radiation through the greenhouse's glasses, warm the plants, and when they bounce, the glasses don't let it go, making that the solar radiation rebounce, and warm again the plants.

The greenhouse gasses do the same... but with the planet! And it isn't good, we are warming the planet, drying our rivers, drying the polar cap, changing the global climate, etc... with ALL the consequences

More information here.

In summary, we are destroying the planet :(... we are privileged and we just have one home... the Earth

But we ALL together can find a solution. I will suggest some ideas that we could do, in this case, in Maracaibo. Some ideas you can do at your city.

The first thing we have to do, it's to stop the emision of greenhouse gases. The principal source of this it's the industry and our transports.

You'll surelly wonder, How can I do it? Simple


No completely, all we have needs, but be conscious! yo don't need the last thing of everything, you don't need yo be fashioned!... It isn't a NEED... But it's better than you see this, in this video, you will see what I'm talking about :)


The Story of Stuff

I hope you get in mind this video.

For the car's emission, the better solution is use the public transport. Well, I can understand than the security in Venezuela, probably don't let it be a good solution...

So we have to use Renewable Energy:

It's so long so I'll put some interesting videos:

And we also could SAVE energy doing this things:

Certainly we can use low energy bulbs, but we can go deeper and use LED bulbs that consume less energy and have a longer life than low energy bulbs.

You can bluid you own solar heater, and get free hot water!... If wanna try look at this almost free garage heat – just drink a lot of soda

So, let's go to the next step.

Once reduced the greenhouse gases's emission, we must to recycle. The are a lot of ways to recycle stuff.

I think that, for example, in URBE we should look for someone who talk about to put recycle's bin. In our university surelly everyday people pull a lot of trash, and we could recycle paper and plastics.

We can do new paper, or we can call an enterprise that works with recycle and they will pay us for all this paper. It's not so much money, but we could do other things with it.

Sadly, there are a lot of people that smoke in URBE... But, we can recycle the cigarette butt and do ecological insecticide for all the plants of URBE! :)
Or if you an adventurer you can do clothes (yes, clothes!) with the cigarette butt. Take a look:

Recycled Cigarette Butts Clothing. No kidding!

We can recycle organic trash too :)... See this video: